A Wonderful Mistake

Not long ago, I was told that there was a chance of seeing the Northern Lights over the northern horizon in Flagstaff, Arizona. I didn’t hear the news until 8:30 at night and the article said the best chance to see it was right after sunset, so I rushed over the closest spot I knew […]

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Starry Night of Northern Arizona

In the mist of discovering star night time lapse, Kristen and I were asked to have a meeting with people at the local observatory to possibly photograph staff and facilities. I thought this would be a great opportunity to show star time lapse videos around Northern Arizona at the meeting. So, I spent several weeks […]

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Looking back…. and forward

I?ve been thinking about how photography has changed since I first started out. In ?the old days?, I can remember making 50 prints in the darkroom to arrive at one good print. The image at left shows the instructions I made on one of my prints to guide me when I was printing in the […]

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